Saturday, December 26, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Well, here we are just a few days away from the new year of 2010.  As we look to the end of this year so close, let's take the opportunity to consider how we have positively supported the earth and encouraged others to do the same! 
Did you: -recycle as much as possible.
             -use energy efficient appliances and lightbulbs as much as you were able to.
             -keep your house a little cooler in the winter and a little warmer in the summer to reduce energy
             -air dry your clothes as much as possible.
             -use products such as Wrap-N-Mat reusable sandwich wrappers and stainless steel water bottles
              to dramatically reduce the amount of plastic you were using at lunch.
             -never leave an empty room without shutting off the lights.
These are very simple, everyday actions that through time will allow you to do your part for the earth.  Simple, easy to accomplish, for all family members, including children!  TEACH THEM EARLY TO BE AWARE OF THE IMPACT THEY CAN HAVE ON THE ENVIRONMENT.

EnviroBottles wishes you a very healthy, prosperous and productive year ahead.

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