Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Links on the EnviroBottles Blog

Checkout some of the links on the right hand side. The numbers vary depending on where the info is coming from but cost and impact of bottled water is very hard to deny or justify.

I realy like the Sierra Club pdf. It has a picture of a bottle of water that is 1/3 filled with oil due to the amount of oil from ground to your mouth it take to get water in a bottle.

This is one of the biggest advertising promo's beverage companies have suceeded in. They took the hit with sugar being not good in large quantities so they promoted bottled water. The impact on the general population has made people feel that if it comes in a plastic bottle it is better than the tap. Apparently it is not cool anymore to drink from a fountain or cup.

Please let me know what you think of the links and give me some more to post up!



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